Luis Camnitzer

Escuela de Talentos ALTA-UACh
March 18, 2021

Art: A Tool for the Transformation of Education and Citizenship is the theme convened by the international seminar organized by the ALTA-UACh Talent School in Santiago with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage of Chile, through of the Program for the Promotion of Art in Education - Acciona.

The seminar will be attended by leading international exponents: Mônica Hoff (Brazil), Luis Camnitzer (Uruguay) and Doris Sommer (USA), leading artists, academics and researchers, united by the promotion of art and artistic creation as a method of learning for the development of creativity and critical thinking, of personal and social values.

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Art: A Tool for the Transformation of Education and Citizenship
March 18, 2021, 4:00 PM GMT-3
Escuela de Talentos ALTA-UACh (via Zoom)
Santiago, Chile