Jennie C. Jones

PalaisPopulaire, Berlin
March 17, 2021

Jennie C. Jones included in Ways of Seeing Abstraction - Works from the Deutsche Bank Collection, a group exhibition at the PalaisPopulaire, Berlin, Germany.

The institution's press release follows:

Encompassing selected works from the 1960s to the recent present, the exhibition Ways of Seeing Abstraction shows the diversity and current developments in abstract art. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, non-representational art has been an essential means of expression for modernist ideas. The more than 100 paintings, drawings, and graphic works from the Deutsche Bank Collection on display show that even today abstraction is far more than just pure form. Many of the international artists that will be presented at the PalaisPopulaire use a reduced formal language to explore other forms and traditions transcending temporal, historical, and political boundaries, while questioning their own culture and perspective. Social discourses are also “transported” in this way and transformed in the truest sense.

Ways of Seeing Abstraction - Works from the Deutsche Bank Collection
March 17, 2021 – February 7, 2022
Berlin, Germany