Coco Fusco

Indiana University
February 6, 2020

Coco Fusco will visit with students across a range of disciplines, share new video work, and give a public presentation for a general audience at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

The institution's press release follows:

Coco Fusco has been pushing the boundaries between art, thought, and activism for thirty years. She explores race, war, gender, and questions of identity through performance, large-scale projections, web-based streaming, closed-circuit television, publication, sculpture, and forms of interactional aesthetics. From Couple in a Cage (1992–94), in which Fusco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña presented themselves in a cage as “undiscovered Amerindians”—a piece chosen for the 1993 Whitney Biennial—to new video work on contemporary Cuba, Fusco has assembled a body of work that truly deserves the appellation “interdisciplinary.”

Fusco is Andrew Banks Endowed Professor of Art at the University of Florida. She has exhibited around the world—Sydney, Shanghai, Porto Alegre, Johannesburg, and on and on—and has received the 2016 Greenfield Prize in Visual Art, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Absolut Art Award for Art Writing (2013), among other recognitions. A Cuban-American herself, Fusco is author most recently of Dangerous Moves: Performance and Politics in Cuba (2015). Fusco will visit with students across a range of disciplines, share new video work, and give a public presentation for a general audience.

Coco Fusco
February 6, 2020, 5:00 PM
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN