Jennie C. Jones

Prospect 5, New Orleans
October 23, 2021

Jennie C. Jones participating in Prospect 5: Yesterday we said tomorrow contemporary art triennial in New Orleans, LA.

The exhibition's press release follows:

Museums, cultural spaces, and public sites throughout New Orleans will host P.5 beginning in the fall. The exhibition features an intergenerational group of artists from the United States, the Caribbean, Africa, and Europe, and will include both existing and newly commissioned projects.

The title of the exhibition was inspired by New Orleans jazz musician Christian Scott’s socially conscious 2010 album Yesterday You Said Tomorrow. The unspoken present is centermost in this frame, the site where past and future converge, which has always contained the possibility of other courses. Yesterday we said tomorrow addresses the social body and the individual, suggesting the deferral of structural and political change. The exhibition takes its cues from the specificity of our moment and of New Orleans itself, a city where inextricable layers of history and culture are a presence held in the land and where performance and resistance define daily life.

Artists will employ diverse readings, interpretative models, and various forms to create a nuanced interrogation and retelling of history that is attuned to our complex era. Resistance, liberation, and an insistence on existence have taken many forms. This exhibition brings together artists who employ strategies that rely on the embodied, the imagined, the scholarly, the irrational, the felt, the connective, and the firsthand.

Yesterday we said tomorrow
October 23, 2021 – January 23, 2022
Prospect 5 
New Orleans, LA