Melvin Edwards

Deutsches Hygiene-Museum
May 30, 2020

Melvin Edwards included in Future Food. Essen für die Welt von morgen, a group exhibition curated by Viktoria Krason, at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, Germany. 

The institution's press release follows:

Eating is a sensual experience and essential for life at the same time. But this everyday action, which has become an indispensable part of a cosmopolitan lifestyle, has an often underestimated social explosive force. Essen is not only a private act, but also a political act - this thesis is the basis of the interdisciplinary exhibition of the DHMD. It addresses one of the most pressing questions of the 21st century: How will we be, how can we feed ourselves in the future? In order to make visions for the future of global society tangible for a wide audience, the exhibition explores sensual and aesthetic, cultural and scientific, ethical and political positions in dealing with food in walk-in image and knowledge spaces. Global food security will be the political challenge of the next few decades. While nearly 220 million tonnes of food are thrown away every year in industrialized countries, over 800 million people go hungry in other parts of the world. The global population will grow to ten billion by 2050. At the same time, resources are dwindling and the consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly clear. The global food industry, which is still geared more towards rapid growth than sustainability, is exacerbating this development. 

The exhibition asks how the future of our nutrition can be shaped in the face of these global challenges. How are global ecology and individual consumption related? What opportunities do scientific innovations and policy changes offer? How will changes in the production, trade and consumption of food affect our eating cultures, our understanding of nature, community and enjoyment? In order to raise awareness of global responsibility and the problems of the current food system, the exhibition designs a participatory laboratory from art and science. It presents crucial approaches to a change in the food system.

Future Food. Essen für die Welt von morgen
March 20, 2020 – February 21, 2021
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum
Dresden, Germany