Lorraine O'Grady

deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
October 11, 2019

Lorraine O'Grady included in Truthiness and the News, organized by Sam Adams, at deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA. 

The institution's press release follows: 

Truthiness and the News explores the evidentiary role of photography, from the heyday of newsprint in the first half of the twentieth century to the current age of post-truth politics. Presaging the contemporary turn to “alternative facts” and “fake news,” photographs in print journalism have always offered a multiplicity of truths depending on when and how editors chose to print them. Featuring works from the 1940s to the present, this exhibition highlights photojournalists and socially engaged photographers, such as Charles “Teenie” Harris and Barbara Norfleet, alongside spreads from the newspapers and magazines that published their photographs, and contemporary works responding to the dissemination of the news today. Displaying lush photographs of current events as “art” next to the same images presented as “news” offers rich insights into the way photography informs our politics and beliefs.

Truthiness and the News 
October 11, 2019 – March 15, 2020
deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
Lincoln, MA